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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 19th November 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


Dislocation Dance, New Order
9 Lucy Street, Trafford
13th November 1981

Brian Mills, Tim Chambers, Catherine Miles, Andy Zero, Liz Naylor, Bob Dickinson, Clew, Anonymous, Chris Bracken, Martin Jones, Pat Naylor, Paul, Michael Williamson
Office: 9 Lucy Street, Trafford, Manchester

Latest Discussion

“Gossip, hearsay and half-substantiated stories in the pages of City Fun may sometimes have been motivated by schadenfreude, but they often served a more noble purpose too. There's an example of that here, with the claim that the nightclubs Pips and Rotters operated semi or unofficial bans and restrictions relating to sexuality, race and disability and were hostile to trade union membership. This was ironic, given that the crowd tended to be a polysexual plethora of Bowie-clones, post-punks, goths and funk 'n' soul fans as documented in Nicholas Blincoe's novel Manchester Slingback and elsewhere on the MDMA website.”
27 Nov 2012
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