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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 101 new artefacts, 23 new members, 18 new people and places.


Added 12th February 2014 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Record Shops of Greater Manchester


Virgin Records (Market Street)

Virgin Records was originally on Lever Street, but moved to Market Street in around '79.

This image is from Manchester Image Libraries (click link), with kind permission.

Latest Discussion

“So many great memories of this shop. It was always the meeting point for my school mates on a Saturday. At the age of twelve in 1979 the word 'virgin' just seemed rude. The transparent orange bags with 'It's at Virgin' printed on were something of a status symbol, and I would find things to carry in one just to show it off. I remember it being quite dark inside with green metal lamp shades hanging low over the stock. There was a long counter running the width of the back of the shop. It had Technics decks on and headphones so you could listen before you bought. At the age of 12 it felt like the coolest place on earth.”
14 Feb 2014
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