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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 313 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 18th February 2014 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Record Shops of Greater Manchester


Piccadilly Records
16th April 2011

Photo (c) Barrie Leach.

This is the queue for Piccadilly Records on Record Store Day 2011. I was working behind the counter at Piccadilly on this day, which was terrible and brilliant at the same time.

Record Store Day came into being in 2007 when over 700 independent stores in the USA came together to celebrate their unique culture. The UK followed suit and 2013 will see the sixth celebration of the UK's unique independent sector. This is the one day that all of the independently owned record stores come together with artists to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists across the globe make special appearances and performances. Festivities include performances, meet and greets with artists, DJs, in store quizzes and many other events.

Taken from Barrie's fantastic Flickr archive:

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