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Added 18th May 2015 by Abigail


Band On The Wall
7th May 2015

Setlist from the recent Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 gig at Band on the Wall.

I took my sister down for her birthday treat. Seun sweated and writhed his way through an intense set that really fired up the Band on the Wall crowd. One guy was dancing too aggressively next to us for a while, but I managed to let him know he was getting on my tits with a friendly word.

Seun found time to squeeze in a few rants - one being a very poorly articulated speech about feminism. He meant well (I think), but I was glad when it was over, as, I imagine, were his scantily clad backing singers.

He also gave his trumpet player a bit of a bollocking at one point!

After the gig we went over to Matt and Phred's and caught the end of Joshua Jawson Quintet. This was probably to stave off the despair of going home and tuning into the election results.

I night I won't forget.

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