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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 415 new artefacts, 28 new members, 16 new people and places.


Added 26th September 2016 by Roddy C

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Manchester Academy Memories


The Squat
10th February 1982

A front page obituary following the demolition of The Squat, an adopted extension of the student's union. The Squat played a pivotal role in both alternative student life and Manchester culture; being used as a refuge during the student housing crisis, hosting early gigs by influential punk and reggae bands including Joy Division, developing theatre productions and being a general community and societies space.

The building was previously an old music college and was given its name after students started squatting inside back in 1973 when the building was due to demolished to make way for a carpark (It eventually became a carpark!).

Deceased 3rd February 1982.


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