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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 522 new artefacts, 28 new members, 21 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by Tony/Longfella


Frank Sidebottom, The Verve

Advert for Reading 94 taken from Northwich-based Salty Dog fanzine.

The years between Madchester and Britpop were The Grunge Years for many indie fans. Not golden years for Manchester music as evidenced by the paucity of Manc acts on this bill.

Interesting to see some of the big names low down the bill. Jeff Buckley mid-bill in a side tent.

Latest Discussion

“Saw Jeff Buckley in '94 at the Main Debating Hall, still think about that gig now. I uploaded my ticket a while ago.”
“I was at this festival, but don't remember much, except having to listen to most of Madder Rose from the tent as I was so ill from self inflicted indulgence starting with wine for breakfast. I do recall the Wedding Present, well bits of it, and being utterly stunned by a wrecked Courtney Love rolling around on stage like a whacked out hag, which is pretty much how i ended up actually...except I was not on stage.”
24 Oct 2013
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