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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 69 new artefacts, 23 new members, 16 new people and places.


Added 8th February 2018 by Abigail


Manchester Digital Music Archive
8th February 2018

Ever wondered how to upload to our online archive? This 4-minute video shows you how.

Manchester Digital Music Archive is an online community archive established in 2003 to celebrate Greater Manchester music and its social history.

We are a registered charity run by volunteers.

Charity no. 1164179.

Our online work

Our crowd-sourced archive and website is a place for people all over the world to share Manchester music ephemera and memories, be they fans, musicians or involved with the music industry itself.

We are passionate about celebrating the hidden chapters and under-represented communities within Greater Manchester music. We believe that through crowd-sourcing artefacts we can democratise heritage and provide a platform for multiple versions of history to be shared. There is no hierarchy of 'merit' within our archive. The general public decides what is important and what is 'heritage'.

Our work in the 'physical' world

In the 'physical' world, we curate exhibitions and pop-up events (such as film nights, talks and club nights) across the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester. We work with volunteers from under-represented communities to do this.

Our work with volunteers

Through creative training events we support volunteers to gain new skills that allow them to document and preserve their own musical and social heritage. These skills include: artefact digitisation, digital curation, digital storytelling, physical curation, event management, film making, website content management and social media.

Our community engagement work

We are community engagement experts, and help other organisations to reach out through joint projects. We provide under-represented communities with opportunities to research and share their musical histories. We have worked in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester Students' Union, Manchester Pride, Manchester Histories Festival, Manchester Digital Development Agency, Louder Than Words Festival, People's History Museum, Salford Museum, Macclesfield Museum and many others.

Our work in education

We deliver talks and workshops at conferences, and across a variety of educational establishments. We provide advice and placement opportunities to students working within a range of disciplines.

Our fundraising work

We curate special events, including gigs, clubs nights and film nights to raise money for our charity.

Our work in research and signposting

We support and connect those who approach us for information and advice, such as film and TV companies, broadcasters, researchers, authors and journalists. Please note: we encourage donations to our Trust when undertaking some of this work.

Mission Statement

To celebrate Greater Manchester music, protect its heritage and promote awareness of its cultural importance.

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