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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 415 new artefacts, 28 new members, 14 new people and places.


Added 21st February 2018 by mdma_volunteers

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Suffragette City - women in Manchester music


Miz De Shannon

Miz DeShannon

Native Mancunian Miz graduated from the University of Salford with a Design Management degree, and went on to work as a project manager and event producer with brands like Orange, Unipart, Ringspun and Reebok. Starting work in project management and marketing with European clients at a multi-service agency on branding and event projects, winning Roses Gold and Design Week Awards, Miz then side-stepped to become a spread-sheet obsessive and tenacious production manager, producing and marketing music and arts events.

After working for years with In The City as a stage manager she moved her full time work focus to music and arts events production. She ran The Country Club live music sessions with Jay Taylor, set up the multi-venue creative arts festival MAPS in Manchester’s Northern Quarter which ran independently for three years, and projects have been with Manchester International Festival, FutureEverything, Liverpool Sound City and Mr Scruff. She was industry PR for Leeds College of Music building artistic development programmes and business relationships also setting up their Women In Music season. Miz was also key to the reputational development at Manchester’s Band On The Wall.

Miz has been integral to the creation of project partnerships with; BBC Learning, BBC Music, Manchester Jazz Festival, Sound City, Leeds Digital Festival, Live At Leeds, Allied London. She focused on the development of key local and national partnerships with organisations for commercial benefit and initiated and developed major partnerships for educational benefit. Miz is fiercely commercially minded and community oriented at the same time.

Miz is currently director at independent label Come Play With Me a vinyl only label supporting emerging artists in Leeds, and an active Women In Music campaigner regularly running Gender & Equality seminars and panels.

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