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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 20th August 2018 by Mike Noon



Original Buzzcocks drummer John Maher is sharing clippings from his original scrapbooks. They cover two years from 1976, including the band's first press review from The Melody Maker. He's given his approval to them being uploaded here, which is great of him. Follow him at @flyingmonkphoto . More to follow.

Here's a great news story from music paper, Sounds, about delays to the release of seminal seven, 'What Do I Get?', due to offence taken over the record's flip side, 'Oh Shit'. Pete Shelley's thoughtful breakdown of the song inspired the following week's Rock and Roll Zoo comic strip by Savage Pencil. Read it here:

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