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Added 5th June 2007 by Robin


Luvdup (Adrian and Mark)
The Venue (Whitworth Street West)

Photographs from Xmas 1991 Luvdup party at The Venue, with all the usual heart décor and a black Santa called Baldie who tried to tongue all the girls who sat on his knee!

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“aaaah - that'll be baldie the black santa! couldn't keep his tongue to himself i seem to remember (probably not with this guy tho', i mean with the ladies).
Luvdup nights had hearts hanging everywhere, strawberry smoke and the first hundred in would get a goody bag with sweets, streamers and a handmade loveheart pendant to wear. It was great fun. I remember dancing next to Bjork one night there and she was loving it!”
“I think Bjork was in town 'cos she was working with 808 State at the time.”
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