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Added 7th June 2007 by sbilts


Biting Tongues, Roger Eagle

This is a young Howard Walmsley pic I threatened to upload. I need the money but doubt he would pay enough to stop me. The shirt was yellow with a red Rockette Morton on the front and mine was purple. We got them off Roger Eagle. He had loads from the Clear Spot tour which I think he had something to do with. If we'd had enough money we would have bought the lot as we lived and breathed Beefheart. I shook hands with Rockette after the final Magic Band appearance in Manchester and I thought the ground was going to open up beneath me. I muttered "its an honour to shake the hand that played the bass solo in Hair Pie" and he looked at me like I was strange. Still, both he and the Godlike John French signed the C.D I'd just bought and I have never washed the hand since. Sinuf Mood owns one of Rockettes Panama Hats but thats another story.

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