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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 101 new artefacts, 23 new members, 18 new people and places.


Added 29th July 2007 by soulkiss

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Melanie Smith - Mudkiss Photography



This is me with Simon McGrath, taken at Pips around 1982.

Latest Discussion

“that's brilliant! is it by a professional photographer? the rough edge looks very 'pro'.”
30 Jul 2007
“Hi Mat Thanks for the comment - No was just taken with my camera of the time - used corel paint shop pro photo XL to get the frame effect.”
30 Jul 2007
“it's great! a future 'artefact of the month' me-thinks!”
30 Jul 2007
“The 'unknown' in the photo went by the name of Ziggy (real name Simon McGrath).”
25 Sep 2007
“This was our brother who unfortunately died in 1986, I would love to get a good copy of this photo - is that possible?”
25 Sep 2007
“Hi Cath - So sorry to hear about your brothers passing, not seen him since the 'pips' days.
Yes contact me on I will rescan it in for you as a large resolution.

Mel x”
25 Sep 2007
“Simon bless him. Alison and I get together for coffee a few times a year and always go on a nostaglia trip about Pips, remember loads of people including Tony Mc, Sammy, Cathie (who lost all my Pips pics in London somewhere, cheers hun lol), Bennett, Skitz, the list is endless. If anyone remembers me get in touch.”
26 Nov 2007
“To Cath, I would also like to say sorry to hear about Simon, he was a great character, I didn't know him that well but I knew he was a sound bloke,”
17 Feb 2008
“Hey Sharon, I remember Bennett Mott very well we were good friends at the time, spent many a drunken night with him and his brother Tony”
17 Feb 2008
“Resolve hun, I remember you well, we had some great nights didn't we, scarily most of mine were sober lol!”
18 Feb 2008
“Hi Sharon, It's nice (and surprising) to be remembered, I blame the drink on Bennett & Tony Mcnamara I'm sure I was normal prior to meeting them... Was Alison the Blonde Siouxsie lookalike ??”
18 Feb 2008
“Yes that's Alison I was her quiet, invisible sidekick, tall, long dark hair, I talked to Bennett and Tony Mc more than you, but you do stick in my mind as I remember Bennett telling me how you got your name. If you want to chat more I am on Myspace (, that goes for anyone on here who remembers me.”
19 Feb 2008
“Hi Sharon, Iwill look you up later today, I'd love to hear Bennetts take on how the name came about ...

hope to hear from you soon”
19 Feb 2008
“So brilliant to read about Pips on the 'net - very little about this club, which I feel was the best ever!
I went in the beginning with a friend, and loved it; however, after a few months I could'nt get anyone to go with me until 7 years later, (should have gone alone long before that). Long story, but when I went again - 1980 - it was better than ever. I lived in the Roxy Room, but even the "mainstream" room was good, as the chart music was better then; we were spoiled! There was also a second alternative room, and an "oldies" one, (mostly '60). I'd heard about the Roxy Room, but it opened during the time I was,nt going, so I was delighted to finally see it - even better than expected!
On Friday nights, they would have a band on, generally in the oldies room, before switching to records. I needn't have worried about going alone, as everyone was very friendly and I soon made friends, meeting up with many of the same people in record shops and at concerts. I also remember Simon, who sadly died. Lots of others, too; Sharon, are you the one who was friends with Cathy, Tracy, etc? Sorry; probably lots with those names!
I also went when the club re-opened as Thursdays. Great times! And guys never looked better!”
25 Jun 2008
“Yes Sue thats me and I think I remember you! Last heard from Cathy about 4 years ago. I vaguely remember someone called Annette as well, not sure who she went round with.”
25 Jun 2008
“That's the name I was trying to think of - Annette, who was also a friend of Cathy. I bumped into Annette a couple of times quite some years back, and she had a partner and, last time I saw her, two children, if I remember rightly. More recently, bumped into a guy called Mark who I well remember from Pips - I had a crush on his friend, Alan!”
25 Jun 2008
“Ah those great little alcoves in the Roxy/Bowie Room _ I remember one of em had a picture of Bryan Ferry painted on the wall inside - I played a gig there in 1980 and we set up in that little alcove - we have piccies with us playing with Mr Ferry looking over us - fantastic place!”
05 Jul 2008
“Photos of Roxy Music at the Apollo on 7/5/79 keep turning up on Ebay. Pics can be viewed at

The gig was recorded by Granada and released as a DVD apparently. Bryan Ferry was sporting a natty red leather box jacket (christened the Roxy jacket in my neck of the woods??) and available from the late lamented Underground Market as I recall.”
06 Jul 2008
“I remember those jackets so well, we did a nice line of them at Aladdins Cave in the Arndale along with those ridiculous 20 pleat baggies..”
07 Jul 2008
“yes Tony the underground market, that brings back memories of Bowie bootleg tapes and Tukka boots. Aladdins cave, I think Alison worked there for a bit. I also recall a Tiswas night at Pips, with a cage and very smelly fish and lots of foam.”
17 Jul 2008
“I remember the "Tiswas" night! Annette's hair was soaked through with foam, (ravers wer'nt the first to have a foam party, eh!!!!!!!!!) and some guy was dancing naked in the cage at one point! Don't think he was a Pips regular, though! Another night I remember Debbie - always one for way-out outfits - wearing an enormous head-dress which just about allowed her through the door-ways without ducking!”
17 Jul 2008
“I went to primary school with Simon McGrath , I think his mum taught there too. My sisters boyfriend Steve worked at Aladdins cave at one time.”
26 Apr 2009
“I remenber the Roxy Music concert may 1979. We queued up for hours and it was raining as well. Well worth every minute though, fantastic. sorry to hear about your brother passing away I knew him through friends I went to Pips with, Chris Dunn”
26 Apr 2010
“I agree Greg in fact our lovely daughter would not be here had it not been for Pips. Great club, brilliant people, good memories.”
05 Nov 2014
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