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Added 21st March 2024 by TJM Nostalgia


Alan Adler

How apt it was, I pondered, of Tony Davidson to dedicate a chapter of his hot off the press book to another of Manchester’s influential creative forces of that time, illustrator Alan Adler. Then this photo surfaced.
Adler produced all the record covers for us at TJM including the poster for the Identity Parade tour which included my group in the line-up. His decapitated HMV dog effigy became one of the iconic images of punk. Apart from being our resident artist Adler was of course a member of Manchester's most esoteric band from that era, the Thunderboys (also allocated a chapter in the book alongside The Buzzcocks, Joy Division et al). Adler eventually headed down to the big smoke making it large with Island Records. The rest is history.
TJM Nostalgia

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