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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 95 new artefacts, 21 new members, 12 new people and places.


Added 13th June 2008 by barbarella29


Jonny Owen
2nd October 1977

Tiffany's Oxford Rd. Manchester. D.J. Jonny Owen. Posin' before Closin' !!

Latest Discussion

“Did'nt he D.J. at the Piccadilly Disco behind the bus station before it was turned into a car park?”
08 Aug 2008
“Jonny is still around, heard him on the radio last season whilst on way to watch County at Chester.
I played in the same DJ's football team with him, 'Rotters FC', several times.

Good lad for a 'red' even did a spot of commentating on County games for 'Signal'

Must say he did love a belt, he had some bloody awful ones, especially around the time that Gary Numan was wearing those stupid contraptions

Happy Days !!!”
19 Jun 2009
“he was at pips in the mid 70s now on signal radio in stoke”
29 Jun 2009
“Just a quick message for sue G..yes I did work at the Piccadilly when i first started d jaying for the Ugli Ray Teret disco express. I remember there was a huge bouncer on the door who hated us dj's sometimes he would even refuse to let us in..even when we were working !! one night he slung my record box over a wall onto some waste ground.. He died years ago. Can't say I missed him check out my blogs”
14 Apr 2010
“Hey Johnny

not going to comment on 'those belts' ???

Phil B (Spike)”
14 Apr 2010
“Hi Phil..Ive only just discovered this site absolutely fascinating. Can't say I remember the belts but I was a slave to fashion in those days (lol) Hope your well. your beloved County are in the sh*t sadly, I have fond memories of covering the games on Signal Cheshire with Jon K. When they had a really good side. all the best check out my blogs”
14 Apr 2010
“I went to the Piccadilly with my friend then, later, to Pips. Someone then reccomended (huh!!!!!) Placemate and we went to both places for a while, then just Placemate as she really loved it there - I always preferred Pips, but did'nt have the confidence to go on my own for ages. If we'd known you DJd there, I'm sure my friend would have agreed to go as she thought you were great! Anyway, (long story!) I started going to Pips again in 1980, and loved it more than ever, but you were not working there then! I loved the alternative, "weirdo" rooms and felt like I d come home - I'm 58 now and still go to alternative music clubs and events!
I worked in Sale for many years and sometimes bumped into your DJ collegue, Barry, including once on a work's do to Bugatti's.”
14 Apr 2010
“I Have great memories of pips. the soul room with Mike in the middle playing all the chart stuff and the Roxy room down the bottom. I remember getting plastered one night and playing "Hold me close" by David Essex non stop for an hour. Not sure how I kept my job. Have not seen Baz the Bear for years. What was your friend called Sue ?? did i know her??? out my blogs”
15 Apr 2010
“My friend I went to the 'Picc with is called Lynn we keep in touch, as we've known each other since we were 14! Do you also remember the 2Sues?”
15 Apr 2010
“Yes I do remember the 2 sue's. it's hard to believe it was so long ago. I wonder if anyone remembers the night that Piccadilly Radio did a live broadcast from Pips and Tony Emerson was throwing my records out as prizes. The place was so busy I couldn't get to the dj box to make him stop”
16 Apr 2010
“I use to work right above Pips, Manchester for 4 years. So even more memories, god it was shxt, the job that is not Pips.”
25 Apr 2010
“Hi Jonny. JOhn Grant sent this message. I can send you his email address privately if you like:

Hi Jonny long time since I spoke to you I remember the Piccadilly Club working down stairs in that small box, we would have a ball John Grant here Colin T used to take us home after we finished. because we where p d I moved to Kloisters when the pic closed another down stairs small box to work in.

The big guy that worked the door at the Pic was Bill along with his mate his mate he got killed while he was gambling. Bill moved to Kloisters when the Pic closed I couldn't get away from him.
I'm living on the beach in Perth Western Australia having a ball down under Cheers Heres to the good old days”
07 Jun 2010
“Sad new Johnny Owen passed away just over a week ago and I was honoured to be asked to go to his funeral along with Pete Smith”
14 Nov 2020
“Just found this site and noticed my old friend John Grant mentioned in the comments... Remember Darwen Tiffany's... I also remember you DJ'ing in Kloisters... such a long time ago... hope you are”
10 Jul 2023
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