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Added 3rd September 2008 by Idle Al


Born Idle

A flyer from a gig in Leicester that featured Manchester punk band Born Idle. One of the support bands (Setback I think) took their trousrs off & danced around the venue....the drummer was a very big lad!!!

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“S'funny.......I don't remember any exceptional todgers on show that night........? But I do remember organically 'painting' the rear left of Al & Sam's car on the way home.........must've been the bilge that passes for Leicestershire ale not agreeing with me......either that or a greasy tea earlier on........ ;-)”
22 Sep 2008
“i think the todger incident was at redhouse...but dont know which gig as there was a few all blurred into one.”
25 Sep 2008
“That was the "rubbing my todger up and down the drummer's spinal ridge, cos I am chuffed" gig at the Redhouse.
Yeah, them out-of-towners got a bit carried away that night.
Remember the singer of 'Dry Wretch' at the Dee Dee Ramone memorial gig in Birkenhead 'skiffing' that macho pleb in the audience with a sh*tty middle finger......? Now that WAS funny!”
26 Sep 2008
“Ha're right, the todger was memory is playing tricks as the senility bites! Darran, your sense of the absurd hasn't changed a bit...good on ya! This was the gig where they let a lot of underage kids in to see the bands, and they all left as we were about to start our set because the last bus was going, then I took the wrong road out of Leicester going home, & we ended up near fucking Northampton before I realised.”
04 May 2009
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