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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 20 new members, 43 new people and places.


Added 14th April 2009 by graham


Johnny Roadhouse

Johnny Roadhouse R.I.P. 1921 - 2009.

Sorry if photo belongs to someone... thought I'd start the Johnny Snr tributes on this site.

Two-fold Johnny was an important musician in Mancheseter's history, having led various dance orchestras and TV orchestras, and played in the Halle. Then, of course, there was his much loved shop
on Oxford Rd.

Since the late '50s its served as a hub for local musicians, visiting musicians, as a teaching centre, and, I think, as an early recording studio (can anyone confirm this?).

Speaking on behalf of Manchester's Acid House community, the fact that Johnny's shop was flogging "old "synth technology in 1987-88 at knock-down prices was an important link in the story. A Guy Called Gerald named a track after him and 808 State name checked him on various albums... a link between one Madchester dance era and the other.

Auto biography 'Sax of Gold" is a good portrait of a well-loved Manchester Legend.

Latest Discussion

“allthough i never knew the man personally i loved the way he ran his could allways cut a deal over equipment you wanted, something that has been lost in the big music megastores (or rather the one's that remain).....lets hope this policy remains and caries on his legacy...goodbye jonny.”
15 Apr 2009
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