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Added 14th September 2010 by dubwise-er


Paul Rae, Ralph Randell a.k.a. Norman Ralph Mayles
4th October 1981

Glad to see I wasn't anal enough to keep every scrap of paper that was ever handed to me. hence,I presume the leap in dates.It's dawned on me that the yellowy pattern on some of these playlists might ,in fact be sweat marks;kinda like gross dude I know...More embarrasing confessions..
Like many young folk at the time speed was the enhancer of choice;cheap,nasty and could make you boogie all night, (and sometimes a snifter to get you to work the next morning;I feel a bit queezy just thinking about it...)Well you're young so what are you going to do....Aaaanyway, recollection of being in the men's bogs and someone calling me over to the cubicles (which,surprise,surprise wasn't being used by a group of girls;girls always in the men's in these sorts of clubs back then;what was that all about?).Thinking there was a cheeky line in the offing I happily obliged and when I bailed in,whoever the associate was,with his offsider in toe,proffered me a bag of glue.Well to coin a phrase,said bag was not my particular article for carrying things around in.;it was more the style of the "have you got 10p punks" outside Boots on Market St' (whatever happened to Barney?)and not a past-time I'd ever wished to indulge in. I didn't want to appear rude so took up his generous offer.No sooner had I lifted the offending article to my mouth, a bouncer pushed the door open and kicked us out of the club;(for some reason that used to happen to me quite often...I blame the bad influence of certain persons.), and like President Clinton,I never even got to inhale!Whoever that bouncer was I'd like to thank you Mr.Bouncerman for saving me from the slippery road to Ne'erdowell Land.Now that"s what I call embarrassing (Parts I and II);totally forgot about that...glad me names not up on the site ha!

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