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Added 24th September 2010 by dubwise-er


Man Alive

Another night at the Man Alive...don’t know if it’s even still there.....?Doubt it....So this obviously reminds me of those unmentionables getting hitched ;yet another royal wedding/disaster in the making...just what the country was crying out for in those glorious Thatcherite times.(I think The Notsensible’s Ode to that odious woman captured for many, the zeitgeist of the time; .Oh yeah, and not forgetting that Messianic nut-job ,Chief Constable James Anderton!).It was all well and good that dead-eyed barrow-boy Tebbutt banging on about getting on your bike and looking for work ,but perhaps a few lazy squid to put towards purchase of said mode of transport would not have gone amiss to those in such a financial “Catch 22”quandary...Typical arrogant nonsense of the still gets me riled up just thinking about it; ,even after all these years... Ah well it’s a lot of melted ice-caps under the bridge now.
Well anyway while waiting for the bus near the Tatler (don’t think it had become part of the Cornerhouse just yet), we espied, behind the gates of the corner entrance to The Refuge, a tribute/celebratory display ,(replete with life-size cardboard cut-outs ) for the upcoming nuptials of those particular lovebirds..On closer inspection we realised that the whole display was in dire need of some artistic re-interpretation and so set about it with a will....A waiting taxi driver took offence to our endeavours ,came charging across the road, and in the plainest of English told us so ,including the words “....## **..and piss off back to your own country!”Well in my ignorance I wasn’t aware that Hulme was actually an autonomous region or that whether even all the members of the Saxe Coburg family were actual card- carrying members of the Great British Isles....didn’t know, didn’t care...such were those divisive times.....So yeah ,a slight diversion there,but that’s this particular flyer for The Man Alive....
....I seem to recall on the Day of Charlie Boy's super duper big wedding day to Di (the best of a bad lot...),in '81 (?) there was a similar event to the "Stuff The Superstars" gig at The Mayflower....dunno...maybe got that wrong...

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