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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 522 new artefacts, 28 new members, 21 new people and places.


Added 9th October 2010 by dubwise-er


Cloud 9
22nd March 1984

Just noticed “Northern Foundation’ promoted this event as well as the Sade one. Who were these people and why were they? Think I mentioned before about The Chevalier Brothers doing a gig in a warehouse in Shudehill with Alan Pellay; tres ‘ sophisticated soiree’ till someone set the fire alarm off! Zoot suits and goatees were becoming de rigeur of the day .I would have looked like a munchkin in one so didn’t partake....... Mr. Snabeley ; Good D.J. name. If D.J.s had been round in Dicken’s time I rather fancy he might have favoured such a nomenclature, and none better indeed Miss Pettyweather....And that’s Jazzzz!

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