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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 101 new artefacts, 23 new members, 18 new people and places.


Added 22nd October 2010 by dubwise-er


Paul Rae
29th September 1982

Funny reading some of the stuff at the bottom; it’s like yer kindly uncle looking out for you and making sure the kiddies are all right. First time I heard Rockers Revenge it blew my sox off; just the whole 12” thing; still,to this day. I used to play out a lot many eons ago and strictly on a “can’t mix, won’t mix” basis (mostly because I couldn’t...bit like patting my head and rubbing me belly; never mastered that one neither). Well one Saturday evening, under strict laboratory conditions, I decided to go for the ultimate extreme sports high and attempt to mix it in with the Eddie Grant version; well I thought i went better than expected ,but with only funny looks from the bar staff to spur me on I never ventured down that particular path again, discretion being the better part of valour and all that....Leave it to the experts I say.
“Pure energy” records...not a term I’m familiar with; quite catchy though....

Latest Discussion

“I'm touched to see Action Records in Preston mentioned on this one...that was certainly an old haunt of mine.”
27 Oct 2010
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