
Was quite partial to the warblings of The Modettes, must have been the singer’s so Frenchy, so chic accent. Defo mentioned the Johnno Peelo one before; good day out that were, with a bit of good old fashioned aggro thrown in for the flavour; got a feeling it was Armed Force who played at this and not The Hamsters...There was a Postcard Records tour which touched down at The Poly one time; Aztec Camera, Josef K and Orange Juice; might have it on a flyer somewhere....
League of Gentlemen: “Win a Night Out With Your Favourite Paranoic”...what a great song that was.
I was working back in the U.K. with Eric, the guitarist from Private Sector ,a few years back ;he's a chippy, like meself. I couldn't recall seeing his band although the odds are I could well have done. He, like so many who were in bands around that time, had a myriad of stories; straight from the horses mouth,so to speak. Thinking about it,I also used to work for a construction company based in Ordsall and the truck driver, Phil had been one of the partners who had started up and ran The Electric Circus; a place I'd never been to but knew about through my brother. He was a top bloke. I was hoping he would regale me with stories of nights of debauchery, mayhem and general rock 'n roll madness but like a true elder statesman of his time (i.e. an old hippy ),he really didn't remember much except running the bar and such. Ah well...
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