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Added 11th December 2010 by dubwise-er


The Bodines
10th November 1985

They must have forgotten to post me my invite........
Well what a week I've had, musically speaking.Someone gave me a ticket to see Sharon Jones and her Dap Kings last Friday and I was very pleasantly surprised. I'm not so much into revisiting ye olde worlde music in general but turns out they write a lot of their own stuff, albeit in a style and fashion, and she must be the hardest working woman in show business. I was forewarned they were great live and indeed it was so.
Then on Tuesday I went to see The Fall, first time in about 28 years; didn't even know they were still going! It was with a certain amount of trepidation that I happened along to the venue. I kind of think it's not always a good idea to mess with a good memory as I was rather partial to The Fall, but I reasoned if they were shite it'd only be by their own standards as they never did sound like anyone else; bit like Wire, Gang of Four, Pop Group et al who seem to be doing The Darby and Joan circuit for the old and hopefully lots of new timers. Well the band is/was always Mark Smith really and I must say I got a bit of a shock when he came on; he looked like a right old bezzer . He certainly hasn't got nattier or better looking with age; he was kind of stumbling about and kinda looked like the hip priest may need a hip replacement, perhaps he'd done the Rowche Rumble once too often.....actually was a bit disconcerting really, specially as one of the last times I'd seen 'em he'd got off the stage at The Poly and clocked a guy who'd thrown a pint pot at him. Still musically, the young band he had with him were tight as,especially the drum and bass section who really gave it some welly; he's definitely surrounded himself with good musos and some of the "songs" actually sounded quite musical! I only recognised "Musarewa's Daughter" and the old garage choon "Mr. Pharmicist" at the end. Never really heard much after "Grotesque" so there's much music under the bridge and although I didn't recognise most of it, it sounds like he's been no slouch.
And for once I didn't feel like the oldest swinger in town; there were peeps there who looked like they hadn't seen the light of day since the mid Eighties; ah well, at least we're all hanging in there. When I went up the back for a beer it sounded great and his ranting, nagging style just cut through loud and clear which is really what it's all about; musically he's still got it.
Tonight I'm off to see Turbulance, a dancehall don live and direct from J.A., which is a very rare thing round these here parts,it's usually Jimmy Cliff, U.B. 40 etc., not that there's anything wrong with that........but it's nice to get up to the time music. Probably won't get to see many/ any bands for the next 6 months so got to make the most of it when I can.Well must powder me wig and bleach me dentures and warm myself for me Bogle Hall moves. Few more uploads left; not long to go now...

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