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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 11th February 2011 by Dale Jowett


The Smiths
Free Trade Hall
30th October 1986

Remember them promoting The Queen Is Dead album, cant remember much more about the gig though.

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“I went - I didn't have a ticket so went up there on the off chance and stood outside. I had about 12 quid and the touts were asking for 30 quid so it looked like it was going to be a wasted journey, then out of nowhere this guy walks up to me and offers me a ticket for ten quid - his mate couldn't come and he didn't want the touts to make out of it - the number of people I have told that story to over the years :-) I lost my ticket along the way (folks cleared out my room when they moved long after I had gone and threw it out with my other stuff - I used to have it stapled to the pull out from the Queen is Dead album) but I was about 10 rows back in the middle of the stalls - amazing gig.”
04 Sep 2013
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