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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 219 new artefacts, 28 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 23rd February 2011 by dubwise-er


The Hacienda
4th November 1985

Why would anyone keep a flyer like this, about nothing!? I best not think too hard about it... Anyway if you ever perchance happened to be wondering what was occurring at The Hac. on these particular dates well now you know; nowt! Why they hadn't done something about the sound quality in the club years earlier is baffling in itself !(groaaaaan....).

Latest Discussion

“I'm shocked there wasn't a 'FAC' catalogue number assigned to this event and a custom-made set of Sculptures knocked up to commemorate, probably arriving just after the club re-opened. (Sorry, been reading too much about the indulgences of Factory & the Hac lately.)”
23 Feb 2011
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