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Added 10th March 2011 by dubwise-er


The Hacienda
7th June 1984

Crossover/continuation of previous.Hac. ‘What’s On’ for April/May ’84.Looks like this was round the zenith of all things Gothy with bands like Sex Gang Children and Play Dead at the vanguard. It wasn’t really my thang but I couldn’t help but feel that if you scratched deep enough there would be a rich seam of self-effacing humour running through it...surely?? Same with that Death/ Speed metal which seems to be favoured and prevalent amongst a certain ilk of Gen Y types. However I’ve been assured by a young man who happens to be a bit of a guitar virtuoso in said “scene” that, heavens forbid, there’s not even a hint of irony in that particular brand of music; the little I’ve seen of it I think is hilarious. I clocked a band not long ago called Spider Vomit (you couldn’t and shouldn’t make it up....), some of whom I think are from Indonesia, and it’d be sad to think that they’re not laughing on the inside, just a tad ,at least. Aaaanyway, as per usual, I digress......
Afrika Bambata; wish i’d been attendance for that...Many years later he collaborated with Mr. Lydon; it wasn’t the best of songs but nice idea though...

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