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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 430 new artefacts, 28 new members, 17 new people and places.


Added 10th March 2011 by dubwise-er


The Hacienda
4th June 1984

Hac. ‘What’s On” for June/ July ’84. They’re all a bit flippin’ the same , this particular batch of uploads but what to do? There are subtle differences though, I assure you. I suppose it just goes to show the club was probably kind of winging it on the booking front, with sudden cancellations and additions presumably being par for the course.
O.K., so this one has the venue doing it’s bit for the miners ,so right on soul brothers and soul sisters . And there goes the ever elusive and evasive Jonathan Richman who I missed on several occasions, much to my chagrin. If he’s still floating about in the ethersphere. Next time he comes round I’m gonna be up front and centre and he better be good or I’ll be upset; (it’s never a good look seeing a grown man cry...)....

Latest Discussion

“I think the Miners Benefit was billed as Lesbians and Gays support the Miners. The Redskins played. I've written it up on here before. It was a busy night. Tony Wilson made a speech and was shouted down in a "that twat off the telly" kind of way.”
11 Mar 2011
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