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Added 18th March 2011 by dubwise-er


New Order
The Hacienda
12th January 1983

Semi -interesting insight into the workings of Factory Records which I had to cut and paste ( i.e. use scissors and Sellotape) from a regular column in City Life called “The Citizen”. This one from Jan 12th ’83 issue.
On the same page there's a big slagging off of Alan Wise for putting strippers on at his annual Christmas party, held at The Hac, with a swipe at J.C.C. for being in cahoots as compere.
A double page article about the deterioration and demolition of landmark city historical buildings that are supposed to be heritage listed. Mention of a company called Wilson and Wormersley who were the architects of not only the abberation that was Hulme but also the University Precinct and "the biggest toilet wall in Europe", the Arndale Centre. Looks like they hit the trifecta of shite and no doubt got paid in full!
There's a short story by J.C.C. giving a modern spin to actually living in an Orwellian 1984.
A review of Mike Harding's book "Killer Budgies" which the reviewer didn't take to kindly too. I'm getting the feeling that the local mag for local people had no qualms in sticking the boot in when/ where deemed necessary, rather than being sycophantic and over arching in its praise of home bred talent, which was mostly the way of fanzines and for the most part probably a good thing. No chance of tall poppies here!

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