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Added 21st March 2011 by 1963


Pandemonium Records

further to previous post about Pandemonium Records it seems George is alive and well and now trading from a basement in Newton Heath

Latest Discussion

“Remember him and his shop up the stairs on Oxford Rd. He had a great selection of Parliament/ Funkadelic/ Bootsy albums.”
28 Mar 2011
“This is MDMA Gold. The guy in the video is an unsung Manchester music scene legend in my eyes. I used to go to the Oxford Rd shop in the early 90s for bad metal bootlegs, I think by that point you could come in and browse for free but you had to pay 50p if you asked him a question. I've told people the 50p story both drunk and sober and have always got the impression they think i'm talking shit. Nice to have some proof at last.”
27 Jun 2012
“used to pop in around the mid 80's onwards in pandemonium
next to johny was upstairs and seemed well davenport would record stuff onto tape for a fee
and if you bought a few records would offer you a glass of orange
squash..later, he charged 50p just to look around..eventually
there was a fire and george had to move north manchester.
had almost forgotten about george till he appeared
in an article today in the mcr evening news
(30.1.2014)..basement full of records wiped
out thru leak..sued his landlord..won..rescued
his vast cd stock..seems to have been in the
wars over the years..”
30 Jan 2014
“When I started at the University in autumn 1981 the shop, with the same name Pandemonium, was run by a young goth guy. He had a good selection of classic albums and I bought quite a few including the original Track release of Electric Ladyland and Rainbow Bridge. The former is worth quite a lot of money now. He sold to George in around 82 I would estimate. Originally George was ok, but he grew increasingly strange. My last visit was around 87 to help a friend find a rare record and he wouldn't let us in the shop.”
14 Jun 2015
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