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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“well, well, hi there Paul, I remember now the Adom nickname, and so great to hear from you. Must be well over 25 years since we met last!! WOW, will contact you for follow up chat.
Now for my most famous quote of the time (actually from the Mayflower Club)..."which twat spat" Do you (or anyone) remember the poet?
By the way, got the picture from the KOS recording date, will post...”
09 Apr 2008
“Abdom, long lost and finally found - it's me!
Nice to know someone cares out there back in Manc Land :-)
I am living and working in Thailand, and still play.
Great great times back then, and I still have a picture somewhere of me in the studio - 16 track, Cavalier I think it was called. We laid the drums down live, and everything in a few hours. I still have the kit, it's a belter (will try dig out the picture for sight)
By the way, is your name in any way related to a one Abominal Pain of the Dentonian types?”
01 Apr 2008