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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 84 new artefacts, 21 new members, 17 new people and places.


Joined 23rd June 2009


tony c

Latest Discussion

“i used 2 go ancoats on sat afternoon, then woolies and occasionaly went to the rehearsal room with little tommy, pav, sharman etc, was in town last weekend met up with kazz bently, eski, barney, an jonah, remember any of them???”
30 May 2009
“the imperial pub opposite where the mayflower stood has photos of the club, and is run by ex skin now biker ronnie meddows.”
04 May 2009
“dale died about 15 years ago, he was best mates with me and pete h we used to terrorise all the punks on market st with shaving foam flattening mohicans an ruining make up.
He died in london from natural causes, i called his number and his flatmate told me the funeral had already taken place, none of us lot attended cos no one new about it.
his ashes are at blakely crem, section d
dale martin rest in peace.”
02 May 2009