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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 415 new artefacts, 28 new members, 14 new people and places.


Joined 24th January 2022



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“I remember I queued up for tickets for Bob Dylan when he played at Blackbushe in 1978. H&A was the only place in Manchester you could get tickets. There had been massive demand for the string of gigs Dylan was doing at Earls Court so he added a huge outdoor event. I think you could also book a coach for the event as well, which I did. I think my dad sort of knew Barry Ancill a bit, not sure, but my dad was/is big into jazz so maybe a connection there? Although the shop address was John Dalton St. I seem to remember it being on a side street? St James Sq possibly, anyway thats memory for you!
On another occasion, in fact the same year, H&A helped us out with a trip to see Genesis at Knebworth. There was loads of us going, pretty much a coach load, when the coach operator pulled out. I called H&A and spoke to Barry and he managed to add another coach to the ones they already had going. I’m pretty sure this is accurate, but I seem to remember that the ticket side of things was”
24 Jan 2022