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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 430 new artefacts, 28 new members, 17 new people and places.


Joined 18th October 2009



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“One night Sylvan appeared at my flat and said "Ive got a job for you" and proceeded to show me a load of songs for a band he needed cover on. As I waited for Yes Sir to pick me up for my first gig with them (cant remember if it was Stoke or Stafford) I was watching the Wogan Show and on came Simply Red with Sylvan and all became clear. I played guitar on at least 3 "last ever" Yes Sir gigs, the last one being at the RNCM student bash. Neil did his crab walk from the dressing room..onto the dance floor...back to the dressing room all backwards. Ha ha....”
01 Nov 2010

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