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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Joined 14th July 2016


Tim Shirt

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“Hi Nicky, Hi Edsel, Hi Sally,
Those were the days, Dim sent me a CD a couple of years ago made from old tapes from around that time. I was first "conscripted" into the band when we all lived in West Didsbury. Pete, Edsel and Dimitri lived in the "Animal House". Sad to hear about Roy. Leroy and the Kools was actually a scaled down "cheaper" version of Drive In Rock for smaller gigs. I left Mcr in late '74 and ran off to join an Irish Showband, well you do don't you? I think the band carried on for a few years with a different line-up. Edsel and Dim would know more details. Greetings from Germany, Tony aka Tim Shirt - still rockin' ;-)”
14 Jul 2016