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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 91 new artefacts, 22 new members, 17 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Pardon the intrusion but that's defo the Portland Bars. I recognise the wallpaper as it's the same on our photo from the same era. Check The Images photos.
Love the pics by the way”
22 Mar 2010
“Spotted Andy Couzens in the Roses photo, used to co-manage our band - Green. get in touch mate! K”
21 Jan 2008
“Cool as F**K”
28 Nov 2007
“Beat stompin mayhem - The boys rockin' up a storm on another big beat night to remember. Looks like The Lamplight Club in Chorlton to me”
28 Nov 2007
“Mossbrook Social Club in Moston anyone? - a right laugh that one, an all-night drinking club full of 1 toothed pikies. Made Pinkies and Cobdens look like Stringfellows.”
18 Sep 2007
“Yeah, spot on our kid, Gorton boys through and through”
17 Sep 2007
“It was Steve Garside and I remember us travelling down the motorway to a gig and him following in his 'ultra-cool' yellow triumph stagg. We thought it would be a top laugh to throw a beer filled crisp packet at his windscreen at 60mph...and it was, he nearly totalled his car, and gave us a right mouthful, how we laughed.
By the way, the signing of the contracts in the picture was at the Band on the Wall in Manchester.
Where is Medhurst these days anyway?”
13 Sep 2007
“Hi Jax, we used play Lowrys regularly, including the 60s nights. Lowrys was a fun venue and we always played to a good crowd there.”
07 Aug 2007
“You look like a bunch of IRA terrorists!
I recognise the bloke top right, didn't he used to present the Basil Brush show?”
11 Jul 2007
“The images - recorded our first demo here in 1979 also.
I was 15 at the time and our manager took us in the pub around the corner (can't remember the name) for a pint before we started and explained how the whole process was going to work. I remember being really nervous as we'd never been in a studio before.

Just for the record, and for anyone who might be interested, we recorded 3 songs - In this world, Oh baby and Que Sera.”
05 Jul 2007