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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 221 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 2nd October 2016 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Manchester Academy Memories


Academy 2 (Main Debating Hall)
14th April 1999

Story by Kath:

The Roots: Main Debating Hall. Hot and exciting and amazing. They were 'my' band. You can see how quick off the mark I was by the ticket numbers!

?uestlove was great, very memorable. It was the 'Things Fall Apart' album. Crowd were going mad. Nice mixed crowd. Loads of energy and no aggro.

Saw them again in 2002 at the Academy, 'Phrenology' album tour. They had Cody Chestnutt with them and he was the best thing about it.

I went to the aftershow at the Roadhouse. Got drunk, popped a pill and ended up telling The Roots that Cody Chestnutt was the best thing about the gig. I asked them why didn’t they make good records like they used to. Woke up horrified.

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