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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 415 new artefacts, 28 new members, 16 new people and places.


Added 22nd January 2018 by rncmarchives

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Thomas Baron Pitfield

Birdsong in the Morning.
A lovely little ditty by the Royal Manchester College of Music's favourite polymath, Thomas Pitfield. Did you know, that Pitfield and his wife Alice nursed an injured blackbird back to health and it became so attached to them that it used to peck oh his window when they were late feeding it? It ended up moving into their garden.
Pitfield loved nature and used to translate birdsong into score on his many wanderings around Greater Manchester's moors as a young man.
For such a dismal time of year, I thought a little birdsong was in order. Enjoy!

Reference: TP/2/9/3
Items owned by the Pitfield Trust.

Latest Discussion

“Thanks so much for sharing this lovely story!”
23 Jan 2018
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