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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 326 new artefacts, 27 new members, 13 new people and places.


Added 31st January 2020 by rncmarchives

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
RNCM Archives


Royal Manchester College Of Music (RMCM)

This fantastic thing is, we believe, the Curtis Gold Medal which was awarded to Annie Worsley in 1905. The Curtis Gold Medal is one of the top student awards at the Royal Manchester College of Music (1893-1972). Despite graduating a early in 1902 at only 19 or so years of age, Annie continued her studies at the RMCM and performed a whopping 16 times at the college.

Thanks so much for Annie's family for sharing these images with us, particularly to Michaela for getting in touch with the @rncmarchives on Twitter.

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