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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 430 new artefacts, 28 new members, 17 new people and places.


Added 25th July 2007 by Tony/Longfella

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Manchester Academy Memories


Academy 3 (Hop & Grape)
24th July 2007

Story by Tony:

Wow - I get to post the first Courteeners item.

You should been there at the Academy 3 last night for a landmark gig. A young Middleton band with the looks, the choons, the riffs, the laff-out-loud street poetry lyrics and the local fanbase to take it all the way. Sure, the Arctics and the Libertines are in there- but so are the Smiths, the Roses and, I'd say, the Wedding Present. (Something in the water in Middleton maybe?)

The place was chocca. Crowd surfing, stage diving, mass singalongs - and all this at the gig to launch their first single "Cavorting".

I'm the worst tipster ever but I'd bet my last quid on these guys making it big time. Don't let me down lads! Manchester expects.

Latest Discussion

“cheers tony, a definite case of 'watch this space'...”
26 Jul 2007
“They did indeed rock. So much so that I felt moved to post my first artefact (with mixed results).
Have to agree with Tony about not cursing the band by tipping them for big things. I'm the man who once proclaimed Kinickie as the future of 'Rock & Roll, - could still happen.”
26 Jul 2007
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