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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 430 new artefacts, 28 new members, 17 new people and places.


Added 18th December 2020 by rncmarchives

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A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music


The Hallé, Ida Carroll, Geoffrey Griffiths
Northern School Of Music (NSM)

"I love watching the trains go by, especially from bridges" writes Griff to Ida. Same.
He remarks on the quantity and length of Northern School of Music concerts, saying 4 concerts in one week with long durations each is a bit much surely. Half the audience leave well before time.
Speaking of concerts, a neighbour of friends spotted them together at a play but didn't recognise her. Their low-key love affair seems ongoing as he didn't tell them who she was but remarks that they mean to keep an eye out for the couple together in the future.
He mentions how he's enjoyed the Hallé season and that last year was criticised for not having new music and omitting certain composers. He thinks guest celebrities are an interesting way to gather momentum in music appreciation and audiences and comments on a "Custard Powder" figure that could be included in the line up. No idea who that could be! Possibly a conductor?
Working at the travel agent is odd at the moment and he still thinks of striding out to set up by himself, he even has found a good place to set up.

With thanks to the Ida Carroll Trust
Date is unknown.

Part of the #NSM2020 project "A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music" supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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