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Added 20th January 2021 by rncmarchives

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RNCM Archives
A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music


Ida Carroll, Geoffrey Griffiths
Royal Manchester College Of Music (RMCM), Northern School Of Music (NSM)

Griff writes to Ida (Secretary of the Matthay School of Music), "When you become chief of the school, or start your own, will you make me secretary?" He would leave Huddersfield and that dreadful commute, get to see her daily instead of weekly, and would have music all day. He believes it will be a "utopia".
He details the work clothes he would wear and that "correct behaviour is almost assured."
He reasons that "I am clever with accounts and could learn how to be tactful; the library would be run with enthusiasm and I should see that I have the best books immediately after you; the others could wait. People who owe money would be bullied."
He says of the Royal Manchester College of Music principal that "if I encountered Mr R.J. Forbes I should sneer."
He gives his opinions on some concerts including the Matthay School of Music performance with Bessie Hales, Edith Holt and Albert Knowles.

With thanks to the Ida Carroll Trust
Date is unknown.

Part of the #NSM2020 project "A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music" supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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