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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 255 new artefacts, 27 new members, 12 new people and places.


Added 23rd February 2021 by rncmarchives

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
RNCM Archives
A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music


Ida Carroll, Geoffrey Griffiths

Griff was delighted with the letter Ida sent, your huge letter hit the floor with a thud that rand and echoed through the house." He laments that he wasn't able to give her his full attention on the phone though, and apologises for any show of jealousy he may have given in regards to her spending time with her friend - that was not his intention.
He remarks on a maritime disaster (possibly the Thetis of 1939), "I agree that the disaster is horrible. Such dread happenings, makes one think a lot. man-made folly, almost invariably, and in this case possibly the carelessness of one or two people on board - a hatch left open, or an order to dive when too near the coast or both."
He laments his lack of horticultural knowledge and hopes to see her soon.

With thanks to the Ida Carroll Trust
Date is unknown.

Part of the #NSM2020 project "A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music" supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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