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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 519 new artefacts, 27 new members, 18 new people and places.


Joined 13th March 2009



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“your probably mixing it up with the actual stiff tour which had elvis costello,ian dury and wreckless eric.”
06 Jun 2016
“pretty sure i was at this gig as a long haired 16 year old prog rocker. I remember they played mostly Tarkus. I would never have admitted this a few years later when i cut my hair and became a punk!”
23 Jan 2016
“I've just finished peter hooks book unknown pleasures which is fantastic.Near the end he mentions the band in 1979 Using a rehearsal room in higher broughton, Salford called pinkies (next to broughton baths). I lived just up the road and remember passing by and hearing this amazing music coming from the building. I stood on the fire escape,at the back, for an hour and had a free concert on my own! I guessed it was joy division but was never sure until I read peters book. Vince.”
09 Aug 2015
“god that must have been so special to see him im envious! im old enough to love his dads music tim buckley.”
24 Jul 2009
“great to find this site! i knew tony in 1975/6 in whalley range when he was learning to play the guitar.i saw yargo down in bristol in 1989 the year i moved here at the thekla (a ship moored at the docks) vince.”
12 Mar 2009