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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 101 new artefacts, 23 new members, 18 new people and places.


Joined 18th January 2012



Latest Discussion

“I had the pleasure of meeting (Mr) Murray yesterday and what an incredible character he is, he had some amazing stories about the shop and his trips overseas selling music, he was telling me about his trips to Ireland to sell reggae which I didn't realise had a big market, but he put me right!”
19 Nov 2020
“Dave co-hosts the radio show. He wasn’t involved with the night however”
16 Apr 2019
“I'm using a phone and they were probably taken with the phone too I imagine...I'm not very techy and not sure if I've still got the original ticket stubs any more! These are what happen to be on my phone, I've had a flood, house move and divorce since they were taken-I tried to find the photo album they were all in for Saturday's event, but couldn't locate may be in the house somewhere, but entirely sure.”
25 Sep 2017
“Beautiful poster...saw it in the flesh in the framers on Tibb St; looked even better in reality”
05 Jul 2014
“The Ardri was in Hulme, but had been an Irish social club in the past, but they are two different venues”
22 Jun 2014
“it's from 1989...I remember not being able to go!”
05 Mar 2012

Bands / Artists added

Gordon King 1 item

DJs added

Craig Cash 3 items
Debra Allan 1 item
Smile 21 items

Places added

The Hangout, Manchester 3 items
KFM Radio HQ, Manchester 3 items

People added

Ronnie Hazelhurst 1 item